
Thank you for your interest in our lab!

If you are wondering whether PLAIA is the right place for you, please take a look at our publications on Google Scholar and watch some of our talks on the internet and only email if there are specific follow-up questions.

Prospective PhD Students

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD with us, please apply to the Boston University Center for Computing and Data Sciences listing Aldo Pacchiano as a supervisor.

Undergraduate or Master’s Students

Please read the instructions at the beginning of this document. We have strict GPA requirements for undergraduate and masters students to join the group. It will help if you have taken DS320 or an equivalent course and obtained an A as well as a similar grade in “Introduction to Sequential Decision Making” or a related course.

Email: pacchian at bu dot edu

For any emails please put the code “b929plaia98i48” into the subject line to confirm that you have read these instructions. This also makes it easier for me to find your message in my inbox.